Monday 5 November 2012



I am amazed how learning nowadays can in fact be this fun. I must admit, classroom discussions sometimes become boring. Good thing this kind of thing is being introduced. At least, I am motivated to learn more via exploring its many features, plus the immediately-available  inputs and ideas that my classmates had posted- no dull moments at all.

Going back to the topic,  I can confidently say that I had learned so much. Primarily, I learned that education is not just limited to the four corners of  a typical classroom. It actually goes beyond the usual. Education has many forms and one of these are the lessons we learned from outside the school, from the people we meet and from neighbors or friends  whom we usually talk to. For me, these are more important than the ones written in the books.Knowing yourself and having harmonious and peaceful relationship with others are the most important lessons that everyone of us must learn.

My point is, we people are created differently. Because of these differences, we oftentimes find ourselves in conflict with others. This is unavoidable. However, we can find ways to minimize the damage, if we only know how to properly deal with it. And fortunately, this course has taught me a lot.

My First Blog

Hi to all. This is my first time to actually create a blog account. Hope I am doing this right. ;)