Monday 5 November 2012



I am amazed how learning nowadays can in fact be this fun. I must admit, classroom discussions sometimes become boring. Good thing this kind of thing is being introduced. At least, I am motivated to learn more via exploring its many features, plus the immediately-available  inputs and ideas that my classmates had posted- no dull moments at all.

Going back to the topic,  I can confidently say that I had learned so much. Primarily, I learned that education is not just limited to the four corners of  a typical classroom. It actually goes beyond the usual. Education has many forms and one of these are the lessons we learned from outside the school, from the people we meet and from neighbors or friends  whom we usually talk to. For me, these are more important than the ones written in the books.Knowing yourself and having harmonious and peaceful relationship with others are the most important lessons that everyone of us must learn.

My point is, we people are created differently. Because of these differences, we oftentimes find ourselves in conflict with others. This is unavoidable. However, we can find ways to minimize the damage, if we only know how to properly deal with it. And fortunately, this course has taught me a lot.


  1. Hi Marfren!!!
    I like your thought ”For me, these are more important than the ones written in the books.”
    I always say that I hate bookish teacher and not the book because I think of it as if they don’t have only enough and limited knowledge to share where they keep on using the book as their source in teaching and just pointing out and depending their answers from the manual; Sad to say that this habit still exists. Yeah right that it is boring inside the classroom but in some manner it is not, it is simply because it only matters on the teacher and the pupil. If the teacher uses great techniques, strategies and using materials that are interesting, probably learning will never be described as boring. Being a teacher is not an easy job. We need to explore and research in order to equip the minds of our learners so that they may become excellent, smart and even genius adults. And in some point, it is more effective if learning is sharing, exploring and letting learners experience things first hand. For me, when you are a teacher, there’s always a room for learning that’s why I enrolled MAEA for more learning. And being in this class, surely I can say that we are not dependent on the book per see because lot of new techniques used by our mentor, just like this one.

  2. Hello Marfren and Connie!

    Two thumbs up on your exchanges of thoughts and ideas and I agree to what you've shared knowledge can be sourced out from anywhere so long you will consider the place or situations you've been as a fountain of data and information.

    Hope to be with you once more for another class in MA program. Perhaps, you will enjoy the next site that i will introduce to you because this shall contain all your online favorites and eventually shall prepare you for your other course requirements.

    Om shanti...

    Ma'am Kaye

  3. Hi marfren!

    Truly we have differences on our behavior & beliefs that is why it is imperative to RESPECT one another. Once we know why other people behave like we don't expect, it is easy for us to understand his or her point of view. I must also agree that EDUCATION is not just what is recorded in the BOOKS but it is also learning from the EXPERIENCES of the YOUNG ONES. Just like our MENTOR (Mam Kaye) whose heart is BIG in terms of SHARING her Knowledge on the tings that she also learned from others.

    Kudos Amigos,


  4. Hello sir...
    God is good all the time!
    I never thought that we will just end by taking the exam on copying pattern...but without knowing,our master genius created this kind of exam that every one of us explode our patience to do the task.Keep up the good work mam. Bonggacious!God bless!

  5. Hi Marfren,

    I really agreed your insights that we are all different with each other.It is boring if we are the same behavior, attitudes and etc. Through differences it can create conflict, in our masteral class I learned more how to resolve conflicts in a society or in organization.
    It is true that education is not just in a book or in the classroom that we discuss but also through our own experiences that we encounter in our life.

    Have a nice day.


  6. Hello sir marfren,

    Good Evening,

    I agree with your post, learning is really fun..everyone of us really enjoyed with what mam kaye introduces us. We have different feelings while going through with this task.

    anyway, your right, that learning is not only through books. it could be also from our experiences, from the people whom we met everyday and our relationship to them.

    hope to see you soon. God Bless
